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Value-Based Maternity Care

The Learning Health System to achieve better value

There is an increasing need to deliver high value care.1 High value maternity care will produce the highest level of…

Value-Based Maternity Care

What if all low-risk women planned to birth in a birth centre or at home?

Birth centres and homebirth When integrated within the health system, birth with registered midwives in a birth centre or at…

Value-Based Maternity Care

How to get rid of inappropriate maternity care practices? De-implement them

More than 30 years ago the book Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth, systematically analysed the evidence for…

Value-Based Maternity Care

What makes maternity care “worth it”?

Childbirth is the most common reason for hospitalisation and the most expensive. Many high-income countries have witnessed escalating obstetric intervention…

August 2, 2021
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Value-Based Maternity Care

Health services lack incentive to be cost-effective

Maternity service funding in Australia Most maternity care funding is allocated to State and Territory health departments who then resource…

Value-Based Maternity Care

Clinical benefits for women who receive continuity from a midwifery student

Students provide continuity for women – regardless of model Continuity of care, and continuity of carer, are terms which are…

Value-Based Maternity Care

Midwives’ social and emotional competence key to quality maternity care

Midwives social and emotional skills matter – they matter to women and families, and they matter when working in a…

Value-Based Maternity Care

How can we best prepare graduates to provide midwifery continuity of carer?

Less than 10% of Australian women can access midwifery continuity of carer. This model provides women with a known and…

Value-Based Maternity Care

Preterm birth and the cost to women

When a baby is born preterm, they are more likely to face significant health challenges. As a consequence, the care…

Value-Based Maternity Care

Towards value-based maternity care: Validation of the ICHOM Standard Set for Pregnancy and Childbirth

Valerie Slavin, PhD candidate, Midwife, Transforming Maternity Care Collaborative, Griffith University & Gold Coast University Hospital Professor Jenny Gamble, Transforming…

September 4, 2020
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