This program aims to identify, evaluate and develop strategies that promote professionalism, collaboration and support the emotional well-being of the maternity workforce.
Work, Health and Emotional Lives of Midwives (WHELM)
Promoting and enabling reflection on practice (clinical supervision)
Study 1 – Identifying the enablers and barriers to the implementation of reflective clinical supervision for employed midwives
Reflective clinical supervision provides a framework to enhance midwifery practice and facilitate professional development.
This program of work has been designed to identify what organisational structures and processes are needed to enable midwives, who have completed an educational program for clinical supervision, to put this into practice.
Lead: Associate Professor Mary Sidebotham
, Professor Kathleen Baird
Study 2 – Identifying the structures and elements of an effective educational program for providers of reflective clinical supervision
The value of reflective clinical supervision (RCS) for midwives is gaining recognition as an important workforce support strategy.
Research findings indicate that a crucial success factor for implementing RCS is the availability of appropriately prepared facilitators. Little is currently known about the best way to prepare facilitators for clinical supervision.
This doctoral program of work aims to identify the structures and processes required within a program of education that are critical to create transformative change and enable midwives to take on the role of clinical supervisor confidently and competently.
Harvey, S., Spurr, P., Sidebotham, M., Fenwick, J. (2020). Describing and evaluating a foundational education/training program preparing nurses, midwives and other helping professionals as supervisors of clinical supervision using the role development model. Nurse Education in Practice, 42, 102671.
Co-Leads: Sue Harvey (PhD candidate), Associate Professor Mary Sidebotham
and Adjunct Professor Jennifer Fenwick
Study 3 – Measuring the impact of reflective clinical supervision on workforce well-being
This study will provide an evaluation framework, that can be adopted at an organisational level, to measure the impact of reflective clinical supervision on workforce well-being, health economics and organisational quality and safety.
Lead: Associate Professor Mary Sidebotham
, Professor Kathleen Baird
Strengthening the maternity workforce
Study 1 – The needs of midwifery leaders in reforming maternity services
The influence of midwifery leaders is a crucial element in the translation of evidence into practice.
This qualitative descriptive study aims to identify what midwives in leadership positions in Australia need to enable them to be effective in their roles and drive maternity service reform.
Lead: Associate Professor Mary Sidebotham, Professor Jenny Gamble, Joy Adcock (Primary Maternity Care dissertation candidate)
Study 2 – Obstetricians views about continuity of midwifery care models
Obstetricians’ attitudes of health professionals may impact women’s maternity care options.
This project explores obstetricians’ attitudes towards continuity of midwifery care and how these attitudes may impact the implementation and sustainability of caseload midwifery models.
Lead: Professor Jenny Gamble, Dr Kirsten Small, Siubhan McCaffery (Primary Maternity Care dissertation candidate)
Study 3 – Midwives and maternity reform
A motivated, well-educated midwifery workforce is a critical factor in the implementation of continuity of midwifery care models.
This qualitative descriptive study explores the motivation, willingness, and ability of midwives in Victoria to contribute to maternity services reform through working in and supporting continuity of midwifery practice models.
Lead: Associate Professor Mary Sidebotham, Dr Amanda Carter, Dr Elaine Dietsch, Marnie Icim (Primary Maternity Care dissertation candidate)
Additional projects relevant to Workforce
Other projects or studies relevant to this program area include:
Project: Evaluating the willingness of new midwives to work in continuity of care models
Project: Domestic and Family Violence